One of the major benefits about the web is the number of tips you can get that help the bottom line. Before the net, unless you knew a parts rep yourself, you were stuck getting your diesel engine parts from the mechanic imself who goes through his own supplier. Back in those days, when someone was working on your rig, he would just pick up the phone and call the part in. At that point, you're paying through the roof. So for most parts that your shop doesn't keep stocked, the mechanic's parts company physically brings them over and delivers them to your Mechanic. Note: there is your *shipping fee. Those parts have now changed hands three times before they reached you. Not everyone on the road stocks names like Caterpillar, Cummins, Ingersoll, etc., so you could even end up with generic replacements.
So now with parts websites popping up, the competitiveness of this market at our fingertips has created some of the best prices on diesel parts in history . When you save money on maintenance, or repair, you can put that savings towards fuel , or other labor costs, anything things that help your your bottom line . Meanwhile, keeping your machine running great. When it comes to beating those high fuel prices, every penny you can save on your overhead will help get you through these tough economic times.
Why do some people just let the tech order their parts for them? One reason is if the place that you buy from had little or no customer service, and you ended up with the wrong part... This would be certainly a major issue. Dealing with real people that you can pick up the phone and call makes a big difference. What makes the Internet Diesel buying experience unique is that many parts carry a two year warranty . No charge for shipping. That's a two year warranty for a part that YOU buy. A lot of the great parts you'll find on this website are in the form of complete kits, so in many cases your kit will contain all of the parts needed to do the replace or upgrade, whether you do it yourself, or have someone qualified to do the work.
A person could waste a whole lot of money on a new engine, when an economical, professionall rebuild may have been so much more inexpensive . To be driving down the road, and under that hood, you know that those new parts that are covered by warranty. Spend a little bit of those long hours keeping up with your manufacturers recommended part replacement cycles. If you do, you'll save yourself all whole lot of money down the road. has in-frame kits, cams, heads, turbos and more and you can buy them online. They speak Spanish, and they're great people to talk to if you have questions. Navistar, Detroit Diesel, CAT, Perkins, Volvo, Ingersoll parts and more is what you will find at Internet Diesel. They know their business because they perform an expert mechanical services from their engine and machine shop in Los Angeles, California.
Internet Diesel, Inc.